Located in West Long Branch, New Jersey, Monmouth University has been operational for over 100 years now.  This private liberal arts college was first created by the Presbyterian Church in 1853. In 1933, it was known as Monmouth Junior College before being renamed Monmouth College 23 years later. The current name was adopted in 1995 after the university was granted its charter. The Wilson Hall is on a site on which President Wilson’s mansion was initially built. Read on to find out more facts about Monmouth University, including its acceptance rate.

Monmouth University accepts applications from all over the world, regardless of ethnic or religious background. Currently, 6% of the 6,000 students available are from outside the United States while 84% are in-state students. In total, there are at least 4,400 undergraduates and 1,700 graduates with a small percentage of them taking part-time programs. The ethnic diversity at Monmouth is moderate and this can be attributed to the high percentage of in-state enrollees. The ratio of available faculty members to students is about 1:14. About 302 lecturers are full-time employees, which translates to 46%. This has a ripple effect on the on-time graduation rate which now stands at 55%. Are you planning to be a distance learner? Monmouth University has 3% of its students already signed up for the program and you could be next. The good news is that it is easy to join this university because the acceptance rate of Monmouth University is 77%.

The school is subdivided into various faculties whose class sizes are between 10 and 40 students. At least 39% of the classes have less than 20 students each. There are 32 undergrad degree programs offered by Monmouth in 20 different fields (31 majors). In the previous graduation ceremony, 1,100 students were awarded various degrees in the 20 fields of study. Business Management is the most popular degree program followed by Communication and Media Studies – the highly ranked program. Both produced at least 420 graduates, more than one-third, in the previous graduation ceremony.

In terms of student life, there is a disability service site at Monmouth University. People living with disabilities make up about 9% of the total population. It also provides academic support to the military affiliates, whether young or veterans. Unlike most universities in the U.S., living on campus is not a must for freshmen. However, there is enough room and most of them choose to live there in the end.

Acceptance Rate at Monmouth University

Monmouth is a highly reputed university and its services are known to the world. As such, it receives numerous applications every year, but not too much for the institution to handle. On average, 77% of all applicants are usually guaranteed a space at Monmouth. In the latest admission cycle, for instance, 9,200 applications were sent to the school and 6,800 were successful. So, what do you need to be among the 77% who will join as the next Monmouth freshmen?

Test scores are required during your application. If you choose to submit your SAT scores, make sure they fall between 1050 and 1260 points. On the other hand, if you send in your ACT result, it should be between 19 and 26. A mean grade of B+ or 3.4 GPA is also recommended.


We hope that this article on Monmouth University’s acceptance rate was helpful. For more information about studying abroad, check out the Available Programs for International Student.

About the Author: Hyun Lee

Hyun is the founder at Global Scholarships. He has received a full-tuition scholarship at Birmingham-Southern College as well as $1,000 Burger King Scholarship for his undergraduate degree and has been offered a fully funded scholarship consisting of tuition, living stipend, and health insurance for computer science Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University. Read more about his scholarship journey here.

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