Getting a medical license in the U.S. takes a lot of effort and dedication. You’ll have to go through a long journey before getting your license, so it is important to get a quality education at a university that understands your needs and interests. If you live in Colorado, there are fewer options here than in other states. However, there are still two great medical schools: one that grants M.D. degrees and one that grants D.O. degrees. Let’s review each of these medical schools in Colorado for you to decide if they are a good fit!

Colorado Medical Schools

1. University of Colorado School of Medicine

Established back in 1883, the University of Colorado School of Medicine is located in the Anschutz Medical Campus. It is ranked within the top 50 best medical schools in the U.S. and has many affiliated centers and research opportunities.

In terms of research, it is ranked as the 30th best medical school, and in terms of primary care, it is ranked as the 12th best medical school. However, some of its departments have had outstanding performance. The Physician Assistant programs and the Family Medicine department were positioned at the 7th place, and the Pediatrics department ranked as the 6th best.

Besides the M.D. degree program, they also offer different Master’s and Ph.D. programs, which include Master of Medical Science ​in Anesthesiology, Master of Physician Assistant Studies, and Master of Science in Genetic Counseling.

As it is the only medical school that grants M.D. degrees in Colorado, admissions are highly competitive. They receive over 7,000 applications each year and interview between 650 and 700 prospective students. In the end, only 184 students are accepted.

Take into consideration that the admissions board prioritizes applicants that live in Colorado. However, last year they accepted half resident and half non-resident students. They have an application fee of $100 (there are some ways in which you could be exempted from this), and they occasionally accept transfer students that have already finished the foundation coursework phase.

2. Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine (RVUCOM) 

Established in 2006, the Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine (RVUCOM) grants the degree of Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. It has two campuses, one in Parker, Colorado, and the other one at Ivins, Utah.

The Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) program is divided into four years. The first two consist of foundation coursework and classroom-based learning, but students also have the option to enroll in an “Honor Track.” They divide into military, rural, or global medical practice and medical research. The last two years consist of clinical rotations.

RVUCOM is developing a Physician Assistant program that received students for the first time in 2018.

It has many affiliated sites in different states, and there’s a Rocky Vista Health Center where students can get fellowship opportunities.

For the Class of 2020, they received over 5,000 applicants and admitted only 162 students (3.1% acceptance rate). For the Class of 2022, they received 2,094 applicants but only admitted 128 students (an acceptance rate of 6.1%). They accept transfer students from other accredited Osteopathic schools, and applicants must be U.S. citizens. T

We hope that this article on Colorado medical schools was helpful. If you are interested in studying abroad, check out the Available Programs for International Students!

About the Author: Hyun Lee

Hyun is the founder at Global Scholarships. He has received a full-tuition scholarship at Birmingham-Southern College as well as $1,000 Burger King Scholarship for his undergraduate degree and has been offered a fully funded scholarship consisting of tuition, living stipend, and health insurance for computer science Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University. Read more about his scholarship journey here.

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