With thousands of doctors graduating annually, more individuals seek rewarding careers and countries that promote high-paying jobs. However, graduating from a well-recognized institute with an advanced medical degree can open job prospects for doctors in some of the most developed countries.

Norway, with its beautiful landscapes, is also seen as a highly acclaimed country for doctors who are in continuous search of lucrative careers. The country boasts a strong economy and a high employability rate. However, proper authorization is required to work as a doctor within Norway’s hospitals and healthcare organizations. Medical specialists are in high demand in the country, but the acceptance process is stringent.

With over 100 latest hospitals in Norway, the country offers career-propelling opportunities for foreign medical doctors. But, there is a standard procedure to start medical practice in this country. This article focuses on all the details that cover all the necessary steps and requirements needed to become a registered doctor in Norway for international applicants.

Is it Allowed for a Foreign National to Practice Medicine in Norway?

With appropriate approval and authorization, a foreign national can practice medicine in Norwegian hospitals and healthcare organizations. The individual must have a medical degree from a recognized institution that the Norwegian government recognizes.

In most cases, this indicates that the degree must have been obtained in a country that is a member of the European Union or the European Economic Area. Graduates whose native countries are not in the EU/EEA region may be required to take additional examinations or get permits before their degrees are considered valid in Norway.

Furthermore, the individual may be required to finish extra coursework and take additional tests in Norway to pursue a medical specialty. For practicing medicine in Norway, one may further need a work permit. This is based on one’s nationality.

What is the Average Salary for Doctors in Norway?

As per research conducted by the Economic Research Institute, results indicate that a physician or doctor in Norway gets an average annual pay of 1,876,342 NOK or 902 NOK per hour. On average, specialists make more than general practitioners and might earn as much as 2,430,000 NOK per year.

Specialists such as Cardiologists can earn over 1,800,000 NOK per year, while Neurosurgeons can earn 2,000,000 NOK annually in Norway. Salary ranges for Norwegian physicians might change depending on their level of expertise, years of practice, geographic region, and organization in which they work public or private.

While earnings in Norway tend to be on the higher side, the cost of living is also much higher. A standardized pay scale is used for Doctors working in public healthcare organizations, However, private practice depends on the institute and the area the doctor practices in.

How to Become a Doctor in Norway

To get registered and start practicing as a licensed doctor in Norway, there are a few steps a person needs to follow. We have given a detailed guide below to elaborate on all requirements.

Step 1. Get your qualifications recognized

The individual must verify with the Norwegian health authorities to make sure their medical qualifications are recognized. Evaluation and recognition of foreign medical credentials are the responsibility of the Norwegian Directorate of Health (Helsedirektoratet). Collect all the necessary documents before reaching the Norwegian Directorate for authorization. These documents include the following.

  • Translated and certified medical degrees and transcripts
  • Course descriptions and syllabus of your medical program
  • Proof of professional license
  • Recommendation letters

To learn more about the acknowledgment procedure, you can reach their official website here. An application fee is required to submit the online application at their website.

Step 2. Pass the Norwegian language test

Medical practice in Norway requires a higher level of language proficiency. Some common assessments are the Test of Norwegian as a Second Language (TOFL), the Bergenstest, and the Norwegian Proficiency Test for Healthcare Professionals (Norskprøven för helsepersonell).

The individual can get enrolled in some language classes or make use of test-specific internet resources. Get a B2 (higher intermediate) score on an official CEFR Norwegian language exam.

Step 3. Take the licensing exam

One may be required to take a license test to prove their medical knowledge and abilities. This is based on their credentials and approval procedure. The Norwegian Directorate of Health is in charge of administering the examination.

Step 4. Apply for an internship

Once the individual has passed the licensing test, they may apply for the Turnustjeneste via the Directorate of Health. The individual will be assigned to several hospital facilities within Norway by the authorities.

The intern doctor will work their way through several departments during their 10-month internship. They will learn about the details of specialties, including internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and family medicine while practicing under the close supervision of experienced medical professionals.

The Legal Proficiency Test (Legeprøven) will be taken during this time. To become a fully qualified doctor in Norway, you are required to pass the Legeprøven during the Turnus. Any physician who wants to specialize or go into private practice must first pass the Turnus.

Step 5. Register for residency training

Norway offers residency training (spesialistutdanning) for medical specialists. This can be if the person chooses to pursue so, and depends on their career goals and the specifics of their chosen field. It requires additional training in a particular area of medicine.

The doctor can explore available specialist training programs through the Directorate of Health and universities. Complete the application and go through the selection process.

This could include interviews, practical assessments, and written tests, for the program of choice. Training for a specialization usually takes 4–6 years to complete. It includes extensive classroom instruction and practical training, depending on the field.

Step 6. Apply for a medical license / registration

Once the doctor has obtained authorization to practice, they should register with the Norwegian Medical Association (Den norske legeforening). Members of the medical field have access to data, networking events, and support via this professional organization.

Step 7. Fulfill visa requirements

Another requirement to work as a licensed doctor in Norway is a Norwegian visa. Visa requirements for foreign medical doctors beginning practice in Norway might differ based on several criteria. The individual’s place of residence, nationality, and the specific sort of work permit they need are all factors to consider.

The individual must possess a passport that is both valid and has enough validity to cover the duration of their expected stay and employment in Norway. The individual must ensure they have sufficient travel insurance that addresses medical situations and provides coverage.

More information on the various kinds of permits, their criteria, and the application process may be found on the website of the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI). If the individual needs help, they may speak with immigration advisors or healthcare legal specialists. Their assistance may be invaluable in facilitating a smooth and error-free application for a visa.


Norway is a leading country when it comes to healthcare and wellness, and some of the most experienced international doctors have practiced within the country. With world-class hospitals such as St.Olav’s Hospital and Oslo Universitetssykehus in Norway, many doctors want to pursue their medical careers in the country.


We hope this article helped you in determining how to become a licensed doctor within Norway effectively. Make sure to also check out the Norway Page and sample the Available Programs in Europe for more information about studying abroad.

About the Author: Hyun Lee

Hyun is the founder at Global Scholarships. He has received a full-tuition scholarship at Birmingham-Southern College as well as $1,000 Burger King Scholarship for his undergraduate degree and has been offered a fully funded scholarship consisting of tuition, living stipend, and health insurance for computer science Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University. Read more about his scholarship journey here.

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