The University of Dayton, abbreviated to UD, is a Catholic research university in the state of Ohio. Its beginnings can be traced back to the year 1850, and the merit for the righteous act of its foundation goes to the Society of Mary – an international Catholic organization whose primary goal is to promote access to quality education worldwide. In this article, we will be looking at the acceptance rate at the University of Dayton.

Students of all religions, races, and ethnic groups are welcome to the University of Dayton, on whose campus they may find the inspiration that they need to pursue their academic aspirations. And the first-year students have a really wide choice – the university currently offers more than eighty undergraduate programs. Some of the most popular ones are Business, Management, and Journalism.

The university also offers more than fifty MA and PhD programs in the fields of Law, Engineering, Arts & Humanities, and Finance. It currently stands in 127th place in the list of US top universities, while the student/faculty ratio is fifteen to one. Most classes have fewer than twenty students. You can take advantage of these low student-faculty ratios by applying! It is relatively easy to become a student because the acceptance rate at the University of Dayton is 72%!

The tuition fee at the University of Dayton does not include the price of accommodation and meals. Once you’ve passed through the admission process, consider the following expenses: the latest average tuition fee announced is just over $44,000 a year for undergraduate programs.

Add to that sum about $8,500 dollars for housing and another $5,600 for a meal plan to get the whole picture. While this is a huge sum, the University of Dayton offers scholarships to help cover this expense.

At the University of Dayton, tuition is the same for all full-time undergraduate students regardless of their major. This means that if you choose, for instance, their B.S. program in Medicinal-Pharmaceutical Chemistry, you will not have to pay lab fees on top of your tuition.

Acceptance Rate at the University of Dayton

When filing an application with University Dayton, pay special attention to the Essay section, since it is one of the most important parts of the application. When a candidate’s application is received at the University of Dayton’s Admission & Financial Aid Office, the quality of his or her academic record is reviewed by a committee against certain criteria.

These include the candidate’s grade record through high school (3.7 at present); their selection of college preparation courses; their class ranking and, most importantly their SAT or ACT scores. To secure a place at UD, you should score 1310 at the New SAT and 29 or up at ACT.

The University of Dayton has adopted a score choice policy known as Super-scoring. If you apply with multiple SAT scores, the committee will take into consideration your highest scores across all sections of the tests you’ve submitted.

The admission committee also pays close attention to any recommendations from high school guidance counselors that the candidate may produce. They may give you extra credit if you’ve recently attended a UD-organized event in your area.

The latest acceptance rate at the University of Dayton is 72%, which is high for a private university of this rank. Yet, keep in mind that some majors are highly desirable, so take advantage of that!


We hope that this article on the University of Dayton acceptance rate was helpful. To know more information on studying abroad, check out the Available Programs for International Students.

About the Author: Hyun Lee

Hyun is the founder at Global Scholarships. He has received a full-tuition scholarship at Birmingham-Southern College as well as $1,000 Burger King Scholarship for his undergraduate degree and has been offered a fully funded scholarship consisting of tuition, living stipend, and health insurance for computer science Ph.D. program at North Carolina State University. Read more about his scholarship journey here.

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